- Translation: DORIN DRON
- Musical Illustration and Directed by: Liviu Manolache
- Set Design: Eugenia Tărăşescu- Jianu
GIN RUMMY is a play by the contemporary American playwright Donald Coburn, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1978. The production at the Constanța State Theatre premiered in 2008 and was revived in 2018.
The play is directed by Liviu Manolache, who also created the musical score, while the set design is by Eugenia Tărășescu Jianu.
The American playwright’s text is paradoxical in its humor, which is extracted from a truly dramatic situation. Two pensioners, admitted to a sanatorium, engage in a passionate card game, which, on one hand, generates humor, but on the other, exposes the dramas of these two lonely individuals.
On the stage of the Constanța State Theatre, Nina Udrescu and Liviu Manolache face off in the roles of Fonsia Dorsey and Martin Weller, two actors whose performances are well-known to the Constanța audience, each with a clearly defined identity.
The card game is the medium through which the two pensioners get to know each other and form a kind of couple. It is the bond they build between them, the fuel that keeps them going, extracting the last satisfactions from life, giving each other a reason to exist. Each one is a source of energy for the other, as suggested by their names: Fonsia comes from the Latin word for well (fântână), and the root of Weller also means well in English.
- FONSIA DORSEY: Nina Udrescu
- MARTIN WELLER: Liviu Manolache