„LUME LUME” is going to take place at the ”Jean Constantin” Cultural Center, same hour - 21:00

„LUME LUME”  is going to take place at the ”Jean Constantin” Cultural Center, same hour - 21:00

We prefer not to get rained out tonight during the concert, so we are moving the event to the Multifunctional Educational Centre for Youth "Jean Constantin", 56 Ferdinand Avenue, Constanta.
See you at 21:00, completely dry and eminently unplumbed, at the concert "LUME, LUME" by Marius Mihalache Band & NICO.

Thanks to our friends at the Multifunctional Educational Youth Centre "Jean Constantin" for assuming the role of #seas2023 umbrella tonight and for the short time they took to help us.

The audience, artists, technicians and musical instruments salute and esteem you!