Personal data
- Date of birth: 09-03-1975
- Place of birth: Tecuci, Galați
Actress DANA DUMITRESCU joined the Constanta State Theatre (then called the National Theatre) in 2004, after having performed, since 1996, at the Jewish State Theatre, the Dramatic Theatre of Galati, the "George Ciprian" Theatre of Buzau and the "Toma Caragiu" Theatre of Ploiesti. From 2014 to 2019 she was the general director of the Constanta State Theatre, the most important of her achievements being the creation, in 2016, of the International Theatre Festival "Myths of the City", a continuation, in a contemporary key, of the Ancient Theatre Evenings of the late 70s. The local audience can applaud her in "Doubt", directed by Diana Mititelu, "Prometheus'22" adapted from Aeschylus by ÁGNES KALI and GÁBOR TOMPA, directed by Gábor Tompa and "10 things we missed at the Mamaia Festival", directed by Elena Morar and Gabriel Sandu and in „ The memory of water” by Shelagh Stephenson. Dana Dumitrescu was part of the casts of many of the shows in the theatre's repertoire, including: "Memory of Water" by Shelagh Stephenson, "The Bear" by A.P. Chekhov, Kirițescu's "The Magpies”, "The Murder of Gonzago" by Iordanov, "The Imaginary Invalid" by Molière. Her dream roles are Hedda Gabler and Lady Macbeth, and when asked "what made you choose acting as a career?" Dana Dumitrescu answers, "The fear of death, of definitive disappearance, the desire to continue my existence beyond earthly life, the desire to leave something behind, but also the desire to live several lives in one, to be able to be many, to understand what it is like to be you and what it is like to be someone else."
- "Teresa" în spectacolul THE MEMORY OF WATER / Adaptation, Translation and Directed by: Vladimir Anton
- "Aneta Duduleanu" în spectacolul THE MAGPIES / Directed by: Lucian Iancu
- "Elisabeth" în spectacolul MURDER OF GONZAGO / Stage Movement, Adaptation and Directed by: Ion Sapdaru
- "Elena Ivanovna Popova" în spectacolul THE BEAR / Lighting Design, Musical Illustration and Directed by: Felix Alexa
- "Gena" în spectacolul TITANIC VALS / Directed by: Cristian Șofron
- "Directed by" în spectacolul CHIOGGIA QUARRELS / Directed by: Dana Dumitrescu
- "Titania" în spectacolul A MIDNIGHT SUMMER'S DREAM / Musical Illustration and Directed by: Marcel Ţop
- "MAŞA" în spectacolul THREE SISTERS / Directed by: Dominic Dembinski
- "LUCETTE" în spectacolul THE LEECH / Directed by: Ion Lucian
- "The novice" în spectacolul INSULTED.BELARUS - READING PERFORMANCE / Directed by: Erwin Șimșensohn
- "Sister Aloysius Beauvier" în spectacolul DOUBT / Directed by: Diana Mititelu
- "Marie, Queen of Greater Romania" în spectacolul THE HEART OF QUEEN MARY / Directed by: Alina Hiristea
- "Medeea" în spectacolul THE METAMORPHOSES OF LOVE / Directed by: Liviu Manolache
- "Celia" în spectacolul AS YOU LIKE IT / Directed by: Dan Vasile
- "SLADKA SREBREVA" în spectacolul SOULS / Directed by: Militaru Sorin
- "Mița Baston" în spectacolul THE CARNIVAL'S AFFAIRS / Directed by: Andrei Mihalache
- "ANIA, FIICA RANEVSKAIEI" în spectacolul THE CHERRY ORCHARD / Directed by: Dan Vasile
- "Lucia Felicia Hrisanide" în spectacolul THE GENERAL INTEREST / Directed by: Felicia Dalu
- "ANNA ANDREEVNA, SOŢIA PRIMARULUI" în spectacolul THE INSPECTOR GENERAL / Stage Adaptation: Kristof Kovacs
- "Nanny" în spectacolul DO WE WASH THE CHILD OR MAKE ANOTHER ONE? / Directed by: Vincent Masterpaul
- "Bruneta" în spectacolul SERENADE AND THE PHILOSOPHER FOX / Directed by: Paul Bargetto
- "Pierrette" în spectacolul EIGHT WOMEN / Stage adaptation: Răsvana Cernat
- "Distinsa doamnă" în spectacolul AN ATTIC IN PARIS WITH A VIEW OF DEATH / Directed by: Radu Dinulescu
- "Barbara Wenger" în spectacolul HONEYMOON / Directed by: Daniel Felsner
- "Doamna" în spectacolul THE CABIN BOY / Directed by: Alex Mihail
- "Irina Nikolaevna Treplev" în spectacolul THE SEAGULL / Directed by: Ioan Cărmăzan
- "Toinette (servitoarea lui Argan)" în spectacolul THE IMAGINARY PATIENT / Directed by: Cristian Gheorghe
- "Main correspondent" în spectacolul PROMETHEUS'22 / Directed by: Gábor Tompa
- "Bianca" în spectacolul 10 THINGS WE HAVE LOST AT THE MAMAIA FESTIVAL / Directed by: Elena Morar & Gabriel Sandu